Jaw Pain & TMJ

Can Dental Problems Contribute To Headaches And Migraines?
added on: August 30, 2023

People who get a lot of headaches or have chronic migraines may be surprised to learn that a dental problem may be to blame. In fact, these two seemingly unrelated ailments can have a significant impact on each other, and recent research suggests that there may be a strong connection… Read More…

Why Do I Grind My Teeth at Night?
added on: May 24, 2022

Have you been waking up for years with a sore jaw and you write it off as getting older or simply deal with it? Are there consistent headaches plaguing your mornings, making it difficult to start your day without pain? These issues (and many others) could be caused by bruxism… Read More…

What Are Signs That I Grind My Teeth?
added on: March 25, 2019
man grinding teeth

Do you or someone in your family grind their teeth? Did you know you could be grinding your teeth and not even know it? At our dental office in Rochester, we see so many side effects of teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) on teeth of patients of all ages…. Read More…

What Exactly is Occlusion?
added on: July 10, 2017
woman and dentist examine x-rays

At our dental office in Rochester, we’re often asked what certain technical dental terms mean, and we’re always happy to explain them. Which brings us to the topic of the day: Occlusion. What is occlusion? What are we looking at when we talk about it? Why does it matter? We’re… Read More…

“Why Do I Bite My Lip All The Time?”
added on: February 23, 2017

Whether it’s your lip, your cheeks, or your tongue, biting the tissues in and around your mouth is a troublesome habit for many. Mostly brought on by stress or as a nervous habit, cheek or lip biting can be hard to break. At our dental office in Rochester, we’d like… Read More…

“Why Does My Jaw Get Stuck Sometimes?”
added on: September 21, 2016

You’re feeling tired, and you know a yawn is working its way out. As your mouth opens involuntarily and the yawn escapes, you wait for your jaw to slowly close shut. But it doesn’t. It’s stuck. It’s scary. It’s painful. At my Rochester dental office, we know just how terrifying… Read More…